
Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Satyamev Jayate : Episode 6 Review

The sixth episode of ‘Satyamev Jayate’ raised a very important point, negligence of government and society towards the disabled people.The actor chose to chat with special people who have accomplished great things in their lives after weathering many storms.

One of them is the confident Sai Prasad from Hyderabad. This young lad, who has a spine disability, works for Infosys and can ably shut everyone up with his vehement opinions. He recently tried skydiving despite his disability. After facing rejection from numerous schools and colleges, and being mocked by insensitive souls for years, Prasad today is extremely successful in his professional life. Aamir also chatted with the visually impaired Krishnakant Mane who believes that only when handicapped children are given the opportunity to compete with normal people and lead a life filled with challenges, will they finally triumph. But that’s only possible when people don’t treat them like aliens, he said.

The fact that moving beyond the disability of limb and the senses, the show also dealt with those whose physical disability affect their appearance, should be appreciated. The stigma they face was brought to light through the example of Nisha Lobo (which is Aamir Khan’s chosen moment this week to 'tear up').

On a positive note, Satyamev Jayate showed that there are many schools who take an active effort to incorporate all kinds of children under the same roof. It highlighted that it’s imperative to replicate that model if we truly want to be called a developed country someday.Captain Kamaljeet Brar, having more than 270 employees who are disabled and is doing great business. There’s even a gym for the handicapped people, spearheaded by Joginder Singh Saluja,who is a weightlifting champion. A completely handicapped doctor gave a new ray of life and hope to millions of disabled persons from across the country. In the UK where the word Handicapped is a NO NO. terminology used as special needs person.

Javed Abidi from National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People said that, there are 6-7 crore disabled people in India. They should be given equal opportunity to study and work so that they can also contribute towards the economic growth of India.

Aamir asked the audience “Should schools and colleges that do not become fully inclusive within the next five years be de-recognized?” Satyamev Jayate‘s sixth episode ended with a fantastic performance by a bunch of enthusiastic differently-abled dancers.

Critical Review 

All of it sounds very well but once again, Aamir Khan was exclusively addressing the urban population. All the guests on the show were financially privileged and aware of their rights as per the constitution of India. Let's hope that Satyamev Jayate moves on to raise topics across classes, and. not just the upper class in one episode and villagers in the other. As a host, Aamir lacks the ability to truly communicate with his guests and ask the right questions. Into the sixth episode of Satyamev Jayate, one begins to feel that the stories are educational and inspirational but often with a one sided perspective!

Good luck Aamir for future episodes !

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